Prayers And Poems



Prayer is the most essential ingredient in a Christian’s life. It is so important that Jesus did not leave it up to our understanding. He taught us how to pray and pointed out the significance of prayer in developing Christian attitudes and growth. The lesson in Matthew 6: 9-13 is referred to as the model prayer. Jesus taught this lesson because he wanted us to have clarity in our communication with him. He knew that his physical presence on earth would be temporary; therefore, Jesus taught them how to pray. Through this medium, his children could engage in open and ongoing communication with him. In this exercise, they would share their hearts’ concerns with him, and he would listen and respond in his time and in his way, according to James 5:13-16.Some say: Prayer is the weapon and pride of every true believer. It is the weapon that is used to fight spiritual wars. Prayer is also the key that unlocks the heavens storehouse. It is an encounter with God in which we humbly communicate and worship the Lord. We also request forgiveness of sins, petition for healing, provision, protection, among other requests. It is a time when we sense the needs of others and make requests on their behalf. In communicating with God, we also make thanksgiving prayers, prayers of petition, and intercession.

To some Christian, “prayer to the soul is like petrol to the car; thus, it is impossible to make progress on our Christian destination without engaging in intercessory prayers.”

In this present world, people are instructed to pray without ceasing or speaking terms with God our Father. It is true; we talk to God by praying to him. He speaks to us through his words or the bible, dreams or signs and wonders in nature. As we pray to our Father we are directed never to go faint or weary. We know that the Lord never gets tired; neither does he take vacations. He has an open-door policy and understands every language. So, let us pray and never get weary.



Dear Father, You are beautiful, and I appreciate you. Today I feel dry and thirsty, but you are the living water. Your word reminds us that anyone who comes to you in faith will grant the residing water heals the broken. Thank you, O Father, for your promises. I am assured that this dry season is just temporary. Give me the determination to come to you for my daily refreshing. Not only me, Father but refresh the souls of your people throughout this vast universe. Help us dedicate ourselves to your service, grow in grace, and maintain our friendship with you. Please heal the sick and comfort the sad ones. Thank you, dear Lord, for answering my prayer.



Dear loving Father. I thank you that I have the privilege to come boldly to your throne through your grace and mercy. I confess my sins before you and humbly ask for your forgiveness. I am asking you to look down in mercy on your child/ children who are suffering. Please grant comfort each day. Direct me/us to the doctors who can make the correct evaluations and diagnosis. Grant that I/ we will exercise trust and faith in your words that dictate that none that come to you will be turned away. As I/we go in the direction that you are leading me /us, we will never doubt your words. When I /we are afraid, my Father, let me/us feel your warm hand on my /our shoulders guiding my / our thoughts and desires. When the funds are insufficient, please let me /us wait on your provision. When the pains are rocking, my /our bodies and nerves help us look to you in faith, knowing that you will dismiss them in your own time. Please take control of all that concerns us during this season and grant complete healing.

As you are blessing me/ us, dear Father, do the same for others depending on your mercies.

Thanks for hearing this prayer.



Everyone has a special friend in this world. In case you are wondering who he is: His name is J_E_S-US. He loves at all times, and his love is the purest example of a friend. He did not have to do it, but he did. He laid down his life for everyone in his word. He said that he came to do the will of his Father. His assignment was not left undone, but he completed it when he died on the cross to redeem mankind. Although he is not on earth walking physically, he walks with us by his holy divine spirit, who lives in our hearts. He provides, protects, comforts saves, and understands us.

Greater love has no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends; if ye do whatsoever, I command you. ( St. John 15:13- 14) Jesus dictated the order of friendship, and many to this day followed his example.

Ruth fell in love with her mother-in-law, Naomi, and she became her trusted friend. Another person who showed her friendship to her people was Dorcas. She took it upon herself to sew clothes for her friends in the community in which she lived. Think of Elisha. He was a dear friend to Elijah. The love was so great that he asked for a double portion of his spirit before he was taken away. Can you remember Paul and Silas? Yes, they served in the ministry together. When they were both imprisoned, they did not play the blame game; instead, they tuned their voices and made sweet melodies that came to the ears of God and their listeners. They lit up the prison with their joyful singing. These two young men preserved their friendship and stood together in the face of perils.

Although he was the son of a king, he did not think it strange to defend his friend from his Father’s cruelty. The bond between David and Johnathan was unbreakable.

Our responsibility is to preserve and cherish our Father’s presence and friendship in our lives. Every day there is the opportunity to remind ourselves of the immutability of our dear Lord. He never changes his divinity. Yet, his love for sinners is unconditional, and when we fall in repentance before him, he accepts us and calls us his dear children. What a friend? There is nothing to compare with the knowledge that we have a friend who is ‘our present help in trouble.’ He is also the shelter in the time of storm. This shelter is the one that will endure the test of times. Because we know that he keeps his promises, we are not afraid to trust his leading. He keeps his warm hands upon us always. Since he is our dearest friend, we will continue to ask him to teach us how to be a friend to someone else. We know God values our friendship, and he instructs us to cast all our cares on Him, for He cares for us.

What care do you have to cast on King Jesus? Please know that he will not turn you away. He is the best listener and, indeed, an unchangeable friend.



POEM by Leila Henry Riley 1992


Friendship is a priceless gift.

That cannot be bought or sold.

But its benefits are far more valuable.

Than a fountain made of gold

Gold is icy cold and is unsympathetic too.

It cannot be understood, neither will it reciprocate.

So, when trouble descends, as you know, they sometimes will

Gold is powerless to defend, or any comfort bring

For it has no ears to listen, no warm hands to cuddle.

No brain to comprehend, no emotions to embrace,

It certainly cannot bring you solace and has no desire to do

So, when you ask the King of glory for a gift,

Be appreciative if he sends

Not treasures like diamond, pearls, fame, or riches

But the genuine love of real friends.

Thank you for being my friend!


1.If you can count your blessings when the clouds are hanging low

If you can exercise faith in the healer after an awful blow

If you can cope with the tests of the adversary and demonstrate victory in your reactions.

You have secured the assurance that he is your refuge and strength, no objection

Better days are coming to those who stay and rest in Zion

2. If you can hum a lullaby when streams of despair corrode your heart

If you can say your prayer when words burn like hot lava in your throat, and you have to ask- why ?

If you can dive into a book when your eyes are dim

And pain cuts the cords of your concentration

Yes, my friend the majestic power of El Shaddai is your inspiration

3.If you can develop the courage to get up and go even when the cells in your body refuse to give their flow

If you can spread a little love -wave to the father up above

If you can still the chaos in which your brain drives and soften the contents of your soul with blessed assurance Jesus is mine

You have earned your commendation, ‘ Well done my child.


SING ME A SONG by Leila Henry Riley 1992

Sometimes there is a song that I must sing.

Even though I have sung others already

Too often, though, my voice gets raspy.

And my lips are even dry.

My heart gets weary, and my eyes are sometimes filled with tears.

But I must rise again, I must sing also.

No excuse is accepted; no water on the page.

I must sing a song of praise –

Before one more storm breaks and hits the horizon

Before the moisture is drained from my eyes

And an avalanche of heaviness corrodes my mind and bury my soul in deep despair.

O, here I am arranging another song.

Yes, another song, a lively little song.

And I remind myself

Well, it is so good to sing.

So, now and then, I raise my voice as loudly as I can

And bellow out high praises to the Almighty King.

Jehovah Shalom is good to me; give honor to his name.

You see, I am wise enough to write as John did on Patmos isle.

There is strength within me to endure the high tide

Power to make melodies like Paul and Silas did when chains were on upon their knees

The King has made it clear

Days will come when the low sound will flow

Days when the heart is heavy with the load it must carry

Days when music is played, but there is no melody

Still, I must carry on, I must carry on, I must carry on

So, I will write another song and create another lively tune

I will sing another song and make melodious sound

But this desire to sing is only awakened after I’ve

looked to my Father in faith